Expertise in our Trade
The locksmith industry is not what it used to be here in New York City. What was once a proud profession of integrity and expertise is now a swarm of unlicensed and unskilled “locksmiths” who work out of the trunks of their cars, destroying the locks they encounter due to lack of skill then replacing them with cheap imported hardware. We are different.

Philip Mortillaro began his apprenticeship in 1964 during the golden age of locksmithing, and runs Greenwich Locksmiths according to these same standards. All of our locksmiths are licensed and anyone working for us must conform to Philip’s high standards. Philip is the only locksmith here in New York City to have had the honor of being a recipient of ALOA’s (Associated Locksmiths of America) lifetime achievement award.
The ALOA Code of Ethics and the Creed of the Locksmith properly explain what makes Greenwich Locksmiths such a unique establishment in New York City
ALOA Code of Ethics:
All members of the ALOA by acceptance and continuance therein, shall be deemed to have subscribed to the following Code of Ethics:
That the dignity of our chosen profession may be perpetuated, it is the duty of all members of the ALOA.
To practice their profession in the spirit of fairness to their clients, with fidelity to security in conformance with appropriateness, and with high ideals of personal honor;
To properly and impartially analyze security problems, and to advance the best possible solution for the protection of their clients;
To conduct themselves in a dignified manner;
To abide by applicable licensing and business regulations;
To abstain from using improper or questionable methods of soliciting patronage, and to decline to accept such incompatible patronage;
To refrain from associating themselves with or allowing the use of their names by any enterprise of questionable character, or in any manner countenancing misrepresentation;
To cooperate in advancing the best interest of the locksmithing industry by interchange of general information and experience with fellow locksmiths;
To encourage and promote loyalty to the profession, always ready to apply their special knowledge, skill and training for the use and betterment of our industry.
The Creed of the Locksmith:
A Locksmith always remembers his public trust. With him rests the security of property and fortune. As a public guardian, he shuns the dishonest, the wicked and the avaricious. For thousands of years, he and his predecessors have placed trust and honor above temptation. His honesty is incorruptible. His allies are the custodians of law and order. He is an artist at his trade and the symbol of skill and integrity to the world.
– M. Leonard Singer