Design Installation and Maintenance of Master Key Systems

In a master key system, each lock has its own key that opens only that particular door. There also exists a “master key” that opens all the locks in the system. As demonstrated above there can be multiple levels to a master key system depending on your needs. Master key systems are usually found in commercial environments, but can be applied in a residential situation as well. They are appropriate in any environment where you want to grant access to some doors and restrict access to others. We service all master key system types including Schlage, Sargent, BEST, Falcon as well as others.
Do you have an existing master key system?
We can maintain and even expand your existing system by generating keys and adding new keys and doors compatible with your existing system
Are you interested in a new master key system?
Since the locks only have to be re-pinned, master key systems can be surprisingly affordable since we can use your existing hardware in most cases.
Did you lose the charts for your existing master key system?
Let us decode your existing system and make you new charts, from there we can maintain your system and provide you with all the support you need.